I am trying to get the (4058075816459) to work in Home Assistant. When I try to create an Automations with the device (Switch 4x EU-LIGHTIFY) in HA I receive the following error message:
There are no automations available for this device.
I can succesfully pair the switch in deCONZ and configure the switch to control lights and scenes. However I would like to configure the switch from HA.
I assumed that when a device is succesfully added to deCONZ I would be able to control the device from HA as well. Is there something missing in my setup to control the switch from HA?
I am running the following setup:
Conbee II, latest firmware version 26680700
deCONZ, version 2.09.01 / 12/23/2020 (Docker container by Marthoc)
Home Assistant version 2021.1.5, with the deconz addon
running on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
In my google search I stumbled on a screenshot of a OSRAM SMART+ Switch showing different automations, but I cannot seem to find it anymore…
Maybe the switch (actually a rocker / Taster) has no „actions“ to provide, but you should be able to create an automation using it as triggering device?
Aah, that could be it. I was confused by the deconz-rest-plugin compatibility list. The Osram switch is on that list.
Considering I can configure the switch from the deconz/phoscon interface, the device does seem to be supported by Conbee2. But maybe it is only supported partially, and thus not working in HA?
I have a limited understanding of how all the moving parts work together, so that is just an uneducated guess.
Go to developer tools, and start listening for deconz_events
Then press button on your remote,
You should see some event data for that button press.
Use that to form a trigger.
I started with ZHA integration and a temporary Phoscon App container to check things. It ended up in a situation, where some of my devices aren’t supported by ZHA or Phoscon/deCONZ.
Now I am using Zigbee2mqtt and it supports all of my current devices and there is only one list to check.
Your switch is on that list, so if your Zigbee setup has not grown too large, you might consider changing to Zigbee2mqtt.
I experimented with using Zigbee2mqtt in my setup and now the OSRAM switch works nicely, thanks! I quite like Zigbee2mqtt, also because IMO Zigbee2mqtt is a better fit compared to Phoscon/deCONZ in combination with HA. I thought Phoscon/deCONZ was pretty confusing since it tries to do some of the things that HA is supposed to do.
You don’t have to use phoscon for anything accept pairing if you don’t want to.
For me I prefer phoscons dimming control to Ha’s. So phoscon dims when I press my up and down buttons and ha handles the rest. Also if ha was down I can still have basic functionality.