No automations for 1 minute after startup?


Just wondering if there’s a way to tell home assistant not to run any automations for x period of time after startup? Some of my automations are getting unpredictable results as my integrations initialize.

Thanks for any assistance!

Automations can be turned on and off again. You could define an initial state of „off“ for all automations but one.

In that initially active automation, use homeassistant start event as trigger, delay by 1min and enable all automations afterwards.

I have created a template binary sensor that is “on” for “x” seconds after reboot. I can set the value for “x” through an input number.
Most of my automations have a condition to NOT run, if this sensor is “on”.

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That was my first idea, but it requires all your automation to listen to that input as a condition, which might become more complex when having already multiple conditions.

It’s just an additional condition. No more complex

There is a bug fix about this in next release if you talk about Automation trigger based on templates: