No box mode selectable for input number helper created in UI


I just wanted to create an input number helper with box mode via the web interface. Unfortunately, the form does not show me any advanced configurations (see screenshot attached). I am running HA Core 2023.11.3, Frontend 20231030.2 in a Docker container. I also checked against another HA instance, not running in Docker, and there other configuration options like box mode are visible inside the form.

Can anybody help me explaining, why I can just only very basic configurations via the web interface?

Via YAML, I am able to adjust the mentioned advanced configurations.

Same issue here.

  • Core 2024.2.5
  • Frontend 20240207.1
    Running in virtual env. not docker.

I don’t see how you can edit YAML for the helper?

Can you show me how you edited YAML for the helper?

I am experiencing the same issue on my end. It has come up across different releases on and off over the past months. It happens across multiple instances I am managing. I wouldn’t mind doing it in yaml but am also stumped as to where I’d go looking for that particular snippet of config


With file editor or VSCode you van edit the configuration.yaml file and add this code.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
    name: Numeric Input Box
    initial: 30
    min: -20
    max: 35
    step: 1
    mode: box

After, you can reload the configuration file into dev tools and reload input number or all yaml file

But this won’t work with UI-created helpers.

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