I have added an RGB MQTT light. When clicking on it from the smartphone - i get a colur selection. But on the desktop (chrome) in the dialogue which pop ups - no color selection. Ony on/off buttons.
In the chrome console i see the following error but not sure if it’s related
core-526d7d7….js:4 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Only secure origins are allowed (see: https://goo.gl/Y0ZkNV).(anonymous function) @ core-526d7d7….js:4
I know it can seems stupid, but I though for some minutes that my RGB light where not working because I didn’t see the RGB color selection. Turned out it only show up when the light is on.
Did you try with other browser? Does both the desktop client and server running Home Assistant have access to Internet?
I don’t think so, which also make sense since it would be a mess ^^ I have several rgb lamp per room, I would have to scroll forever if all of them displayed the colour picker at all time.