No configuration button for my Bluetooth integration


I plugged an USB Bluetooth dongle which has been successfully discovered and configured on my Armbian Buster Odroid N2+.
It find every Switchbot meters I have and the Xiaomi one so it is functional.

Before 2022.9, I had a “configure” button for this integration but it is not the case anymore.
As I enabled experimental features in Bluez I wished to eventually test passive sscanning.

I also have an ESPHome bluetooth proxy set, could it be the reason why I cannot configure for the dongle?
Or do I miss-understood something or made a mistake? :slight_smile:

The configure option to enable passive scanning will only appear if the BlueZ install has org.bluez.AdvertisementMonitorManager1 available in D-Bus.

You can check bluetooth diagnostics to see what the adapter supports. You may need to reboot the host after enabling BlueZ experimental features.

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But before more checking on D-Bus, shouldn’t the Configure button be displayed or it is the expectedd behavior?
Because now I have no Configure button at all for my Bluetooth adapter in Integrations.

The button is only displayed if there is at least one adapter that supports passive scanning

OK, so I checked with busctl introspect org.bluez /org/bluez/hci0 and org.bluez.Adapter1 is the first item of the list.
I have already rebooted since I added --experimental flag in the ExecStart directive of the bluetooth.service unit file, I created a drop-in. And systemctl status bluetooth.service show the flag as expected.
The Bluez version in Bullseye looks good in regard of the Bluetooth documentation.
What do I miss?

Please open an issue with a diagnostics file. I’ll take a look

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OK, done: No configure button displayed for an Asus USB-BT500 · Issue #78543 · home-assistant/core · GitHub