No Connection through VPN possible

Hello all,

Currently I am testing Home Assistant instead of ioBroker. So far everything is running when I connect from my local Network, but I am got problems when connect through VPN then I can not access the HA Server, no HTTP Request, no Ping, nothing.

The HA Server is running in a PVE VM within the V-Lan 20 =>

Accessing from local is no Problem, V-Lan 10 => from Desktop, or V-Lan 40 => Mobile.

When connected through VPN the IP for example

Firewall Rules are set correctly, so I assume that I must add the VPN’s IP address to HA or something like that?

Hope anyone can help me out with this.

Thanks in advanced.

Sounds like a routing problem at first read. What VPN are you using?

I am using OpenVPN which is installed on the Firewall. While connected I can access every other Service in my Network which is allowed from the VPN addresses, except the HA Server. I also don’t get any Denied Logs from the Firewall so that shouldn’t be the problem.

If you can not ping HA then it is a routing problem.
Maybe try to set the VPN to use the “default gateway”.