No controls on main page

Ok, this is bizarre, I have no components on the main home assistant home page. My view tabs all show up and work fine. I have refreshed my page, I have cleared my cache, I have restarted HA several times. This all started with the 0.38.3 upgrade today.

If this is a new security feature, it’s working really well.

Do you have some settings for the default_view. If you have something like


you will lose the default behavior of HA to automatically add any component to the Home tab.

I had a group called default_view_sensors: When I deleted that and restarted, everything came back. Thanks

I spoke to soon.

I installed the custom myq component and noticed that while I could push the arrow to open the garage door, it didn’t ever update to show the garage door was open. I checked the myq app and indeed the garage door was open according to it. So I thought maybe I just need to refresh the page. I refreshed my browser and no more controls on the page. It’s completely blank again.

I am running on a Macbook Pro on El Capitan, all patches installed. I am using Chrome 56.0.2924.87 which according to the browser is the latest update. The screen shot is exactly as above I have the side bar and header but nothing in the main window.

If I go to the garage tab and refresh it, it comes back just fine. As you can see below, I do not have “default_view” in any of my yaml files.

(homeassistant_venv) homeassistant@hass2:~/.homeassistant$ ls
automation.yaml     custom_components  google_calendars.yaml  home-assistant_v2.db  oldmyq		  pyozw.sqlite	secrets.yaml	zwcfg_0xe9dac890.xml
bravia.conf	    customize.yaml     group.yaml	      known_devices.yaml    OZW_Log.txt		  scenes.yaml	templates.yaml	zwscene.xml
configuration.yaml  deps	       home-assistant.log     nest.conf		    pubnubsubhandler.fix  scripts.yaml	tts
(homeassistant_venv) homeassistant@hass2:~/.homeassistant$ grep -i default_view *.*
(homeassistant_venv) homeassistant@hass2:~/.homeassistant$ 

I’ll be happy to post my config files, but they are rather large so if you can specify the sections you would like to see, it would be helpful.

Many people have had issues with the upgrade, caused by updates to the front end. Try emptying the browser’s caches - it’s worked for many others.

done that many times, but will try again. Hope it’s fixed in the next release.