No Custom Repository ? Latest HA

I am running the latest HA Supervisor and I can not add custom repositories. There just is nothing to click I see where I can add normal repos whre I have installed eWeLink and HA community addons but there is no option for custom.

In the Add-on Store, open the overflow menu in the upper right hand corner and select Repositories.

I did that and it gives an error trying to add Emporia vue, and now it does not even do anything, no error

What is the path you entered for the Emporio Vue repository.

Is this what you are trying to install?

If it is, then it’s not an Add-on and you shouldn’t be trying to add a custom repository for it in the Add-on Store.

Just follow the instructions in link (which explains how to install it using HACS, which is not part of Home Assistant, or manually by copying files to the custom_component directory).

If it’s not that then please provide a link to whatever it is.

The linkk will nnot import into HA as per the instructions so not sure who;s problem it is, or if I am being a dumba$$ is what I am trying to do as a repo

The link isn’t meant to be imported into Home Assistant’s Add-on Store, it’s for HACS. This is the first line of the instructions:

  1. Go into HACS from the side bar.

I do not SEE HACS in the side bar, otherwise I would have done that, how do I add HACS to the side bar

Because, like I explained earlier:

Installing HACS is a multi-step process and you need a GitHub account (so if you don’t have one already you should create one).

The alternative to using HACS is to copy all the files of the Emporia Vue integration into a sub-directory of config/custom_components. That’s the traditional way of installation a custom integration.

I finally figured that out about HACS and have it installed
