No custom ui under configuration menu

I try to install custom ui by following instructions on this page:

No errors, but I don’t have this custom ui menu under configuration like this:

How to get menu Custom UI?

CTRL+F5 clears cache and reloads a page. You may need to do that.

Thanks for that.

But still no custom ui menu under configuration?

Well for what its worth, I use custom ui components and I do not have that tab. That may be from an old version. Most of the tweeks are not in yaml anyways, so that really wont help much.

My version is not that old. I am using:


Note that several of us have reported same behavior in the issue tracker

Yes, what I meant by my response is that the configuration page may have been purposely removed in recent versions. But according to @mohesles1, it’s a bug in recent versions. That means you’ll have to wait for a fix.

Thanks for info:sunglasses :sunglasses: