No data from HmIP-STH in InfluxDB

Hi all,

I have a problem with my system. I´m usind HAOS with RaspberryMatic integration to work with my HmIP-STH temperature and humidity sensors. All is running very stable, I get the sensor values inside home assistant and can control temperature setpoint out of home assistant.

Now I want to log my data in InfluxDB and visualise it with Grafana. I installed both and also this is running good. All or at least most of my produced data is logged in InfluxDB except for my HmIP-STH sensors.

I tried some different configurations for InfluxDB but had no success.

Here is my configuration.yaml for influxDB:

  username: xxx
  password: xxx
    source: HA
    - friendly_name
  default_measurement: state
      - zone.home
      - persistent_notification
      - person
      - sensor
      - binary_sensor
      - sun
      - light
      - cover
      - weather
      - climate
      - climate.tempkz_thomas
      - climate.tempkuche
      - climate.tempwzimmer
      - climate.tempbad
      - climate.tempschlafzimmer
      - climate.tempflur
      - climate.tempeingang
      - climate.tempkz_david
      - climate.tempgastebad

Do you have any idea?

I tried it also with a minmal influxdb config without success:

  username: xxx
  password: xxx
    source: HA
    - friendly_name
  default_measurement: state


I think I have an approach through the video home assistant template sensors and auxiliary entities (helpers) 101 (German video).

I think I have to create templates to extract the attributes from the entities. At first this seems like a workaround to me. If it works I will post it here. If someone knows, I would be interested if this is really the way to do it, or just a workaround :wink:

So I have now as mentioned above in the addendum, for each attribute of the HmIP-STH created a “helper”. I did that first in the yaml, but then I noticed that they don’t show up in the UI under “Helpers” and so I had to do it again in the UI.

“Helper” → “Template” → “Create template for a sensor” → configure

created. Is a lot of work, but now I have data in influxDB and can evaluate them with Grafana.
What do you think about the “solution”. Is this the right way in HA or are there others?

I use the german language in HA, so the mentioned UI descriptions could be different in your UI.