No Data on Energy Graph, but Individual Devices Showing Usage

Started setting up the energy dashboard yesterday, and added the five devices I have that report energy consumption as individual devices. All of them are showing daily usage on the lower section of the dashboard, but over 12 hours after I set them up I am still not seeing anything in the main chart area:

I checked one of the devices to see what the state attributes look like, and I see this which looks like other examples I found here in the forums:

state_class: total_increasing
unit_of_measurement: kWh
device_class: energy
friendly_name: Entertainment Center energy use today

What am I missing here that would get the total from these devices showing on the main chart above?

Four of the devices are VeSync smart plugs, the fifth is my Enel-X JuiceBox EV charger (state attributes almost the same, just the unit is different as it records Wh not kWh).


For what it’s worth, I’m in the same boat. I’ve tried editing the usage chart, though have not met with success after several tries. One piece of the pie is visiting the energy configuration page and adding individual devices, which you seem to have done. Beyond that I’ve had no further success on this particular card. I have, however, been able to have device data show up on other energy cards that have visual configuration, so the puzzling continues.


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Here’s what I’m seeing right now, with data available, but not showing up in the Energy Usage Graph;

Here’s what I have currently, have been trying a number of possible combinations;


Oddly enough, before I upgraded from 2021.12.x to 2022.12.x, my Juicebox EV charger data was showing up perfectly.

Can anyone share what the secret is to having data show up in this graph with the current HASS version?

In my case everything is showing in energy dashboard as it should. I have the latest update. If anything cross my mind that will be that you did some config that is preventing your energy dashboard to show data.
If you know what you done you can try to revert it back as it was.

@ddaniel Whatever had worked for my Juicebox EV charger does not now work with the current energy management configuration. And there are so many changes that trying to revert back several versions hampers my ability to keep pace with current and future changes.

If I could see a sample of how to fill out the code for the Energy Usage Graph, that would help immensely.

You can try watchman integration. Maybe it can help you to resolve your issues.

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@ddaniel , the watchman integration is nice! I found two devices that I had not gotten around to checking after all the changes to many others after the upgrade from 2021.12.x. Thank you!

Still hoping someone can share a sample of how to fill out the code for the Energy Usage Graph, that would help immensely.

Same here… Ive the standard energy dashboard configured correctly and showing all data but if i use “type: energy-usage-graph” in another dashboard with “type: energy-date-selection” i get an empy graph with no data. (“energy-flow-card” working correctly tho).

Same Problem on Android phone and tablet.
→ “normal” Energy Dashboard works.

Dashbord with energy-usage-graph doesn’t work on Android Tablet/Smartphone.
→ No data available
The same Dashboard on PC works.

I deinstalled / installed the app on my handy → no change, same error.

I have same problem with Android phone on PC works fine. Before few minutes works on phone top but after refresh page this issue ocured

Also having the same problem. Anyone can help?

Same problem Here. Graph disapeared after refreshing the view page (on Windows 10, Chrome, HA running on a NAS via Docker)