No Database on FreeBSD

Hi. I’m new to home assistant, used iobroker and mediola and Homematic before.
I installed it to m freenas (a freebsd-system) and its already finding my Homematic and chromecast and avr but evertime I start history, logbook or a sensor of Homematic I only get a spinner and nothing happens. I think the writing rights seem to be OK because log file and first configuration were saved without problems. Perhaps there is a problem with the db.

What can I do to fix it?

I can’t find the home-assistant.db. Perhaps that’s the problem. but can force ha to create one? Already set .homeassistant to 777 (for testing)…

Still no solution! :frowning:


Please help!

I found it: i installed wrong version of python and sqlite. Version 3.5 worked!