No decimal places in gauge?


I have this:

      value_template: >-
        {% if (states.sensor.washer_program_length.state | int) < 1 %}
        {% else %}          
          {% set washerprogress = (100 - (((states.sensor.washer_remaining_time.state | int) / (states.sensor.washer_program_length.state | int)) * 100)) %}
          {{ washerprogress }}
        {% endif %}             
      icon_template: mdi:washing-machine

which gives me the likes of this:

How do I drop all decimal points? E.g. here just 51 %
Sorry I know it’s been asked before, but the examples I found all look quite different, and I’m pretty new to this.
Not sure if it can be done simply in the card, or should be done in the template.

This is the card, FWIW:

type: custom:stack-in-card
mode: horizontal
title: Washing Machine
  - type: gauge
    entity: sensor.washer_progress
    min: 0
    max: 100
    unit: '%'
  - type: entity
    entity: sensor.washer_state
    name: Wash Cycle
    icon: hass:none
  - type: entity
    entity: sensor.washer_remaining_time
    unit: Minutes
    state_color: false
    name: Remaining
    icon: hass:none
square: false

Much appreciated!!

So accuracy is not your thing?

Making the washerprogress int should drop the decimal point.

      value_template: >-
        {% if (states.sensor.washer_program_length.state | int) < 1 %}
        {% else %}          
          {% set washerprogress = (100 - (((states.sensor.washer_remaining_time.state | int) / (states.sensor.washer_program_length.state | int)) * 100)) %}
          {{ washerprogress | int }} #  <-- here
        {% endif %}             
      icon_template: mdi:washing-machine

Wonderful thank you!!