I have moved from Pi3+ to a fresh HA install on Pi4, and in this process removed the Deconz integration on the Pi3 and moved the Conbee USB stick to the new Pi4. When installing this the first time I initially got the gateway up on the screen, but i could not complete the API integration to HA. I uninstalled, and rebooted, and then installed Deconz again. I’ve done this over an over, but the gateway (in the GUI) is gone when I navigate to the Gateway page (see image below).
Yes - i can access the GUI of Deconz but I dont see the gateway. I have tried changing the device without luck ("/dev/ttyUSB0", “/dev/ttyAMA0” and “/dev/ttyACM0”), and don’t seam to find any direction in the logs.
I didn’t add to the config.txt in my first installation, and therefore hasn’t done that on this one either enable_uart=1 dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt
Did a bit more testing this morning. I access HA UI from a new device and it prompted me for new password, when I opened deconz. So far so good… But still no gateway.
I then added a few zigbee devices to see if this would trigger the gw to appear. This was successful and I can even manage them from the deconz interphase, but still no visible gateway.
Update. I have now tried to access HA and deConz from my primary laptop, and strangely I dont see the lights I just added from the other laptop - which by the way I can still see and manage from laptop2.
I’m pretty lost, as I had zero issues on my deConz add-on for PI3, so hope you guys can help me sort this out.
Last update. I can’t give you the reasons, but I figured that hence I was prompted a new password when I accessed from a different IP, the cache must be the issue somehow. I then accessed using a different browser, and this worked the same way - i was prompted for setting a new password. Hmm… it made me think more about this, so I deleted the cache in my browser on the primary laptop, and as expected it prompted me again for a new password, but I saw the gateway name had changed slightly (my own mistake).
Using the identical password as before opened the GW, and BOOM. I could see the devices I created from laptop2, and now also the GW is visible in GUI.
My conclusion. When I accessed from laptop2 i think I have modified the GW name, which caused the issue.