No detail in interface

Since the last two releases (starting with 0.84) I have a problem with the standard interface.
I have no detail as per the screenshots attacched

If I click on one of the blanks below the card titles a popup with details comes up:

Is anyone experiencing it too?
On chrome/firefox - win/debian/android

0.85 too - opera too
If I clear the cache at the first load all is fine. in Firefox.
In Chrome : no way to have details
As soon as I refresh no more detail

Does anybody have any clue?
How can I debug?
I opened the web developer console but what shall I look for?

There is a recent problem with chrome that I have seen described but not fixed.

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thanks. do you know if an issue has been already opened? I could not find one. If not I open one

I am not aware of an issue raised on github.

Bump -still no detail in states ui.

Opening an issue

I think I finally found the solution in an old post.
it seems it is linked to custom card ui
After running the update script and clearing the cache it seems solved