No devices or entities appearing after successful Nest Thermostat Integration

Hi all, has anyone managed to get the Nest integration working?
I followed the instructions in the Home Assistant tutorial and managed to get through to allow nest permissions where it pulls through my 2 Nest Thermostats. I then receive the message:

Successfully authenticated.
Created configuration for Configuration.yaml.”

However, even after restarting Home Assistant there are no devices or entities showing up. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to remedy this?

Thanks in advance

Check out the recommendation at the troubleshooting page of the integration, in particular around restarting the thermostat. The problem I noticed is the thermostat doesn’t get returned on the API from Google for some reason without a restart.

I have tried restarting both Thermostats and Home Assistant but still no joy. Any other ideas?

There are suggestions at if you haven’t already seen those.

If nothing there helps (e.g. double checking the api is enabled), I would recommend querying against the nest SDM API directly using curl commands following the Getting Started guide form Google. Then we can determine if the API is returning empty results (problem on google side), or if it is actually returning devices that are not recognized (problem in home assistant code).

I have tried the suggestions in the HomeAssistant troubleshooting but nothing seems to make a difference.

I have tried running the curl commands but it returns an error when trying to get an access token so I cannot get through to the next stage.

Looking at the activity for the project on Google it isn’t receiving any messages either, so perhaps it is an issue with SDM - but without being able to get an access token i cannot create a device list to check if it has found the devices. It is strange as when i go through the process of adding the integration to Home Assistant the pop up windows do find the correctly named Thermostats to allow.

Yes, it’s strange, and getting the api response will prove where the problem is. let me know when you get the api responses. Chris made a video.about how to query it if you’re stuck:

The steps should be simpler since you’ve already done a bunch of configuration for it to work with home assistant. (You also have an access token in config/. storage/core.config_entries you can borrow if that helps, but it may be expired and need a refresh so not sure it helps a lot)


The video definitely helped and I had It looked like it ended up being an authorisation issue.

If anyone else has a similar issue to me - following the worked for me. Then reinstalling the integration and restarting Home Assistant and the thermostats.

I spent days just trying to get the Nest Integration to connect on my HA…finally I did it and got the same message as you in your first post.

Successfully authenticated.
Created configuration for Configuration.yaml.”

Was so excited after restarting HA and resetting my Nest Thermostats to check out the new devices/entities…and there was nothing there.

Could you help me get these devices to show up in HA…it would be greatly appreciated - thanks

This is exactly what happened to me - although mine has since broken again :man_facepalming:

However, before it broke again the main issues seem to be resolved after initiating a Device Call List.

I did have to remove the integration, restart my thermostats and then re-add it to get the devices to appear in HA.

It is also worth checking in your Nest login page if it shows Home Assistant as being able to access your data. If that isn’t showing them you will need to go through the authorization process again until it does.