No entities shown for room-assistant

I’ve room-assistant running in a cluster of two. One on a an instance of HassOS, the other on an RPi4 on raspbian. In HA, I see no entities in for either cluster. There is Bluetooth inquiries button for the HA instance, but the same button for the raspbian instance is not enabled. They both see each other in the cluster and the leader (raspbian), is recognized as such as both. And yes, I’ve tried making the HassOS instance cluster, but the result is the same as above. I only list one item to track in my config. I expect RA would display that item as an entity. Here is a portion of the log for the HA instance:

s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
[08:05:40] INFO: Setting up Home Assistant configuration
[08:05:40] INFO: Copying room-assistant configuration from /config/room_assistant
[08:05:40] INFO: Starting room-assistant
*** WARNING *** The program 'node' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see <>
*** WARNING *** The program 'node' called 'DNSServiceRegister()' which is not supported (or only supported partially) in the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see <>
11/2/2022, 8:05:45 AM - info - IntegrationsModule: Loading integrations: home-assistant, bluetooth-low-energy
11/2/2022, 8:05:46 AM - info - NestFactory: Starting Nest application...
11/2/2022, 8:05:46 AM - info - InstanceLoader: AppModule dependencies initialized
11/2/2022, 8:05:46 AM - info - InstanceLoader: ConfigModule dependencies initialized
11/2/2022, 8:05:46 AM - info - InstanceLoader: NestEmitterModule dependencies initialized
11/2/2022, 8:05:46 AM - info - InstanceLoader: IntegrationsModule dependencies initialized
11/2/2022, 8:05:47 AM - info - InstanceLoader: DiscoveryModule dependencies initialized
11/2/2022, 8:05:47 AM - info - InstanceLoader: PrometheusModule dependencies initialized
11/2/2022, 8:05:47 AM - info - InstanceLoader: EventsModule dependencies initialized
11/2/2022, 8:05:47 AM - info - InstanceLoader: TerminusModule dependencies initialized
11/2/2022, 8:05:47 AM - info - InstanceLoader: ClusterModule dependencies initialized
11/2/2022, 8:05:47 AM - info - InstanceLoader: ScheduleModule dependencies initialized
11/2/2022, 8:05:47 AM - info - InstanceLoader: BluetoothModule dependencies initialized
11/2/2022, 8:05:47 AM - info - InstanceLoader: EntitiesModule dependencies initialized
11/2/2022, 8:05:47 AM - info - InstanceLoader: BluetoothLowEnergyModule dependencies initialized
11/2/2022, 8:05:47 AM - info - InstanceLoader: HomeAssistantModule dependencies initialized
11/2/2022, 8:05:47 AM - info - InstanceLoader: StatusModule dependencies initialized
11/2/2022, 8:05:48 AM - info - WebSocketsController: EventsGateway subscribed to the "subscribeEvents" message
11/2/2022, 8:05:48 AM - info - RoutesResolver: EntitiesController {/entities}:
11/2/2022, 8:05:48 AM - info - RouterExplorer: Mapped {/entities, GET} route
11/2/2022, 8:05:48 AM - info - RoutesResolver: StatusController {/status}:
11/2/2022, 8:05:48 AM - info - RouterExplorer: Mapped {/status, GET} route
11/2/2022, 8:05:48 AM - info - RoutesResolver: PrometheusController {/metrics}:
11/2/2022, 8:05:48 AM - info - RouterExplorer: Mapped {/metrics, GET} route
11/2/2022, 8:05:48 AM - info - ConfigService: Loading configuration from /usr/lib/node_modules/room-assistant/dist/config/definitions/default.js, config/default.json, config/local.yml, /usr/lib/node_modules/room-assistant/dist/config/definitions/custom-environment-variables.yml (Current: /room-assistant)
11/2/2022, 8:05:48 AM - info - ClusterService: Added to the cluster with id patio
11/2/2022, 8:05:49 AM - info - ClusterService: basement has been elected as leader
11/2/2022, 8:05:49 AM - info - HomeAssistantService: Successfully connected to MQTT broker at mqtt://core-mosquitto:1883
11/2/2022, 8:05:49 AM - error - ClusterService: Failed to start mdns discovery (dns service error: unknown)
11/2/2022, 8:05:49 AM - info - NestApplication: Nest application successfully started
11/2/2022, 8:05:49 AM - info - BluetoothLowEnergyService: Discovered nearby BLE peripheral 341ddf433714 with ID 341ddf433714 and RSSI -62
11/2/2022, 8:05:49 AM - info - BluetoothLowEnergyService: Discovered nearby BLE peripheral 866993db522e with ID 866993db522e and RSSI -57
11/2/2022, 8:05:49 AM - info - BluetoothLowEnergyService: Discovered nearby BLE peripheral 06821e3c65fa with ID 06821e3c65fa and RSSI -62
11/2/2022, 8:05:49 AM - info - BluetoothLowEnergyService: Discovered nearby BLE peripheral 378a33d1f4a9 with ID 378a33d1f4a9 and RSSI -64
11/2/2022, 8:05:49 AM - info - BluetoothLowEnergyService: Discovered nearby BLE peripheral 28ff3c96c9d5 with ID 28ff3c96c9d5 and RSSI -58
11/2/2022, 8:05:49 AM - info - BluetoothLowEnergyService: Discovered nearby BLE peripheral 5bfb31c4935a with ID 5bfb31c4935a and RSSI -61
11/2/2022, 8:05:49 AM - info - BluetoothLowEnergyService: Discovered nearby BLE peripheral 0dfc4d489582 with ID 0dfc4d489582 and RSSI -60

Here is a portion of log from the raspbian:

Nov 2 08:45:56 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting **room**-assistant service...

Nov 2 08:45:59 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: *** WARNING *** The program 'node' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.

Nov 2 08:45:59 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: *** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!

Nov 2 08:45:59 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: *** WARNING *** For more information see <>

Nov 2 08:45:59 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: *** WARNING *** The program 'node' called 'DNSServiceRegister()' which is not supported (or only supported partially) in the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.

Nov 2 08:45:59 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: *** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!

Nov 2 08:45:59 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: *** WARNING *** For more information see <>

Nov 2 08:46:00 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:00 AM - info - IntegrationsModule: Loading integrations: bluetooth-low-energy

Nov 2 08:46:01 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:01 AM - info - NestFactory: Starting Nest application...

Nov 2 08:46:01 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:01 AM - info - InstanceLoader: AppModule dependencies initialized

Nov 2 08:46:01 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:01 AM - info - InstanceLoader: ConfigModule dependencies initialized

Nov 2 08:46:01 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:01 AM - info - InstanceLoader: NestEmitterModule dependencies initialized

Nov 2 08:46:01 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:01 AM - info - InstanceLoader: IntegrationsModule dependencies initialized

Nov 2 08:46:01 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:01 AM - info - InstanceLoader: DiscoveryModule dependencies initialized

Nov 2 08:46:01 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:01 AM - info - InstanceLoader: PrometheusModule dependencies initialized

Nov 2 08:46:01 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:01 AM - info - InstanceLoader: EventsModule dependencies initialized

Nov 2 08:46:01 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:01 AM - info - InstanceLoader: TerminusModule dependencies initialized

Nov 2 08:46:01 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:01 AM - info - InstanceLoader: ClusterModule dependencies initialized

Nov 2 08:46:01 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:01 AM - info - InstanceLoader: ScheduleModule dependencies initialized

Nov 2 08:46:01 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:01 AM - info - InstanceLoader: BluetoothModule dependencies initialized

Nov 2 08:46:01 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:01 AM - info - InstanceLoader: EntitiesModule dependencies initialized

Nov 2 08:46:01 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:01 AM - info - InstanceLoader: BluetoothLowEnergyModule dependencies initialized

Nov 2 08:46:01 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:01 AM - info - InstanceLoader: StatusModule dependencies initialized

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - WebSocketsController: EventsGateway subscribed to the "subscribeEvents" message

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - RoutesResolver: EntitiesController {/entities}:

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - RouterExplorer: Mapped {/entities, GET} route

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - RoutesResolver: StatusController {/status}:

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - RouterExplorer: Mapped {/status, GET} route

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - RoutesResolver: PrometheusController {/metrics}:

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - RouterExplorer: Mapped {/metrics, GET} route

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - ConfigService: Loading configuration from /usr/lib/node_modules/**room**-assistant/dist/config/definitions/default.js, /home/lorenzot/**room**-assistant/config/local.yml, /usr/lib/node_modules/**room**-assistant/dist/config/definitions/custom-environment-variables.yml (Current: /home/lorenzot/**room**-assistant)

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started **room**-assistant service.

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - ClusterService: Starting mDNS advertisements and discovery

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - NestApplication: Nest application successfully started

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - BluetoothLowEnergyService: Discovered nearby BLE peripheral 6b6fae938465 with ID 6b6fae938465 and RSSI -76

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - BluetoothLowEnergyService: Discovered nearby BLE peripheral 288768540393 with ID 288768540393 and RSSI -49

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - BluetoothLowEnergyService: Discovered nearby BLE peripheral 6b0d5cf938dc with ID 6b0d5cf938dc and RSSI -52

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - BluetoothLowEnergyService: Discovered nearby BLE peripheral 1dc995bef040 with ID 1dc995bef040 and RSSI -74

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - BluetoothLowEnergyService: Discovered nearby BLE peripheral [TV] Living Room TV with ID 702ad55a2d65 and RSSI -70

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - ClusterService: Added to the cluster with id basement

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - BluetoothLowEnergyService: Discovered nearby BLE peripheral 9c3e530c95ed with ID 9c3e530c95ed and RSSI -43

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - BluetoothLowEnergyService: Discovered nearby BLE peripheral 0a7807c6bc4b with ID 0a7807c6bc4b and RSSI -69

Nov 2 08:46:03 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:03 AM - info - BluetoothLowEnergyService: Discovered nearby BLE peripheral 24809874b924 with ID 24809874b924 and RSSI -60

Nov 2 08:46:04 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:04 AM - info - BluetoothLowEnergyService: Attempting app discovery for tag 6530ee2d67a4

Nov 2 08:46:12 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:12 AM - info - BluetoothLowEnergyService: Discovered nearby BLE peripheral 1512a957b840 with ID 1512a957b840 and RSSI -51

Nov 2 08:46:27 raspberrypi **room**-assistant[25638]: 11/2/2022, 8:46:27 AM - error - BluetoothService: Failed to query value from 6530ee2d67a4: timed out

My configs:

  instanceName: Basement # Patio on raspbian
    - homeAssistant      # not used on raspbian
    - bluetoothLowEnergy
  weight: 10     # 1 on raspbian
  port: 6425
  quorum: 1    # 2 on raspbian
     - # HassOS ip on Raspbian
    - 3653E50F9199
        name: My Device
        wait: 0.75
        maxWait: 2