No for allowed in visualiser and malformed data message, cannot save automation

I know something changed in the new ha update with the from field, not sure if related.

So i got a message saying below yaml is not supported in the gui anymore.

Visual editor is not supported for this configuration
The provided value for 'for' is not supported by the visual editor. We support (string) but received ({"hours":0,"minutes":0,"seconds":0,"milliseconds":0}).
Key 'for.milliseconds' is not expected or not supported by the visual editor.
You can still edit your config in YAML.

Now i’m trying to re-add this using the gui editor, by removing the for bit from the yaml, once i do the visualiser shows, funny thing is the for bit is still in there…so is it supported or not?

But…i cannot seem to safe it as it keeps saying “Malformed message, data dictionary etc” for whatever i add, doesn’t matter if it’s state or device.

condition: state
entity_id: media_player.viera_et60_series_2
  hours: 0
  minutes: 0
  seconds: 0
  milliseconds: 0
state: unavailable

because it didn’t trigger on unavailable state anymore the tv kept switching on and off, no fun.

Now it seems to have saved, no for shows in the yaml code anymore, still in the visual editor. I guess the problem was having the for with 0 seconds in the yaml? I hope this is not going to break other automations. I don’t think updates to home assistant should cause automations to fail.

The error message suggests the the issue lies with the visual editor not supporting “milliseconds”

Also why have the ‘for’ entry anyway if it’s all zeros?

Yeah good catch. Don’t know, i didn’t put it in the yaml :-). Pretty sure this was added by the gui itself.