No history in 'more info'

I have Home Assistant version 2022.6.6. I am not sure since which version, but when I left click an entity the 'more ‘info’ popup no longer shows history. I have deleted the db file and restarted but no change. Am I missing something?

Maybe the entity is excluded from or not included in recorder?

The entities are included in ‘Recorder’. It did work until some time ago, I have not changed anything I know that should have changed this behavior. Thanks anyway!

I have found the problem. I am running on Raspbian (Debian) 10 Buster. The latest version of SQLite in Debian Buster is 2.8.17-15 which is too old for Home Assistant, so the Recorder never started. I should upgrade to Debian 11 Stretch at some point but for the moment I moved to MySQL instead.

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