No internet. Network is up. Can't login to HA

My home Internet is down and will be for several days. I can ping the HA server on a Home Assistant Blue from a PC on network but can’t reach HA on browser or through SSH although I normally could with Putty. I have Samba setup but I can’t get to HA directory from PC. I used to be able to do that too. Companion app on Android and another on Iphone say Failed to perform SSL handshake. I have a static IP address on the HA Blue. I have the HA blue on a kvm switch so if needed I can get to cli. Network is on a UDM. I have already verified IP settings with network info command in terminal.

Is there anything I can do that would restore connectivity to HA?

Hi, can you ping your HA IP (and get a reply)?

Hi not_a_coder,

Are you using an ad blocker or DNS re-director like adware or pihole?

How are you trying to connect to HA, are you using the mdns url or the ip address?

What method do you use to connect remotely (when the internet is up)?

yes. I found out that I can get to to HA by using the IP in the url instead of homeassistant.local like I originally could

Not on the PC. I changed the IP of the DNS server to auto, instead of pihole ip, before I created the thread but I still can’t get to HA with the companion app on android while on the network.

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Great. Now go to Settings → System → Network and click on the IPv4 settings for your network adaptor. What are your DNS servers set to?

If you add your local router ip address you may find mdns starts working again.

IP of HA works on PC after all. That is what I always had on companion app on android but still can’t connect with phone. Still can’t SSH in. File editor has a formatting issue so it looks weird and makes it unusable for me. I never added vscode or any other editor.

it has the static ip it has had for the last 5 years and has the correct netmask and gateway server which is the UDM ip. DNS server is the UDM IP.

I just tried SSH with IP and it worked. For some reason I had the host name saved in Putty and that used to work.

So now how do I get to HA on companion app?