Installed HassOS in an Intel Alder Lake N95. Used Ubuntu 23 on a thumb drive and Balena Etcher to do this. No cable connection in Ubuntu and no IP address displayed in HA Banner. Network Info showed ipv4 auto and ipv6 disabled. Discovered Realtek drivers for RTL8111E were not present in Ubuntu 23. Downgraded to Ubuntu 22.04. SAME ISSUE.
Found RTL811E drivers for Ubuntu and installed into Ubuntu 22.04. Confirmed in Ubuntu ipv4 and ipv6 auto (DHCP) cable connected. IP address present in Ubuntu
In HA still no IP address displayed on the banner and ipv4 and ipv6 both disabled. Cannot change the method of either.
reinstalled HA using a different sight location. Downloaded to USB drive and installed from file rather than from UL. NO CHANGE
Network Info now shows both ipv4 and ipv6 disabled.
Tried changing ipv4 method to auto or disabled and then auto
Error: Can’t create config and activate enp1s0: connection ‘supervisor enp1s0’ is not available on device enp1s0 because device has no carrier.
Tried to change ipv4 method to static
Error: Can’t create config and activate enp1s0: ipv4.gateway: gateway cannot be set if there are no address configured.
That response was an expected sanity check since there is no IP.
Two Double EEs and a Ubuntu engineer are stumped on this right now.