No KNX sensor state update


  • platform: knx
    name: G.Temperature
    address: ‘0/1/0’
    type: ‘temperature’

host: ‘’
port: 3671
local_ip: ‘’

There are no KNX sensors state update.
When ETS4 Group Monitoring run then everything works OK.

Can anyone help me?


  • home assistant server - Raspberry Pi 3B
  • KNX IP Interface - JUNG IPS 200 REG




  • platform: knx
    name: G.Temperature
    address: ‘0/1/0’
    type: ‘temperature’

host: ‘’
port: 3671
local_ip: ‘’


light 1:

  • platform: knx
    name: L1
    address: ‘0/0/21’
    state_address: ‘0/0/21’

light 2:

  • platform: xknx
    name: L2
    address: ‘0/0/22’
    state_address: ‘0/0/22’

light 3:

  • platform: xknx
    name: L3
    address: ‘0/0/20’
    state_address: ‘0/0/20’

There are no KNX sensors state update.
Switches works OK.
There is no KNX tunneling between KNX IP Interface and HASS.IO server (there are no KNXnetIP protocol packets in my network).

When ETS4 Group Monitoring run then everything works OK (sensors state and switches).
There is KNX tunnel between KNX IP inProblem:
There are no KNX sensors state update.
Switches works OK.
There is no KNX tunneling between KNX IP Interface and HASS.IO server (there are no packets KNXnetIP in my network).
home-assistant.log errors:
2018-04-18 20:01:41 WARNING (MainThread) [xknx.log] Could not read value of <Sensor name=“G.Temperature” sensor=“None/GroupAddress(“0/1/0”)/None/None” value=“None” unit=“°C”/> 0/1/0
2018-04-18 20:01:42 WARNING (MainThread) [xknx.log] Could not read value of <Light name=“L1” switch=“GroupAddress(“0/0/20”)/GroupAddress(“0/0/20”)/None/None” /> 0/0/20
2018-04-18 20:01:43 WARNING (MainThread) [xknx.log] Could not read value of <Light name=“L2” switch=“GroupAddress(“0/0/21”)/GroupAddress(“0/0/21”)/None/None” /> 0/0/21
2018-04-18 20:01:44 WARNING (MainThread) [xknx.log] Could not read value of <Light name=“L3” switch=“GroupAddress(“0/0/22”)/GroupAddress(“0/0/22”)/None/None” /> 0/0/22

When ETS4 Group Monitoring run then everything works OK (sensors state and switches).
There is KNX tunnel between KNX IP interface and ETS4 machine.
Still fail KNX tunneling between KNX IP Interface and HASS.IO server.
There are no errors in home-assistant.log file.

Can someone help me?terface and ETS4 machine.
Still fail KNX tunneling between KNX IP Interface and HASS.IO server.
Thera are no errors in home-assistant.log file.