No local fulfillment with Google Assistant

I have configured the Google Assistant integration using the manual setup and it’s working fine but I cannot get the local fulfillment to work.

I followed the steps from the documentation
but in the Chrome Inspect view I cannot see the Home Assistant instance. I do see my Nest Mini devices listed there.

To debug the mDNS part I used the “Bonjour browser” tool (on the same Windows host as Chrome) and it does show an “_home-assistant._tcp.” entry with both the base_url and the internal_url pointing to the local (non-SSL) URL of the HA instance.

Worth noting that I am using HA as a Docker container. I would really like to get local fulfillment working in order to get rid of the latency caused by the cloud.

Any help would be much appreciated!

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Any luck so far on local fulfillment? This graph will allow you to see if it is working/