No longer able to access the HA lovelace dashboard main page

My Home assistant constantly keeps going down. I am continually having to unplug and re-plug the power on my Home Assistant Blue appliance. It works for a few hours, then again the startup page is inaccessible. My URL (partially masked):


Message is:

"Unable to connect to Home Assistant.
Retrying in xx seconds…

It is possible that you are seeing this screen because your Home Assistant is not currently connected. You can ask it to come online from your Nabu Casa account page."

I am on the latest available OS version (unable to really verify as my dashboard never comes back up):
Home Assistant 2023.7.3
Supervisor 2023.07.1
Operating System 10.3
Frontend 20230705.1 - latest

I am not sure how to troubleshoot this, as this has not really happened before to this extent or this frequency.

I have since downgraded to Home Assistant 2023.7.2. I will report whether my issue returns.

Sorry, that I could not provide more info, but I am hoping someone could point me in the right direction.


Check your /config/home-assistant.log.1 log file for errors or anything suspiscious.
This is the HA log just before your restarted it.

Hey Chris B,

Thanks! Having upgraded to the latest appears to have resolved my issue. From the logs, I was unable to determine what was causing the issue.

I appreciate the response and reach out in any case.
