No longer able to create Light Groups. 'This entity ('light.dining_table_lights') does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI. '

I decided to redo everything and disabled my old installation.
Also reinstalled the IKEA gateway as ZHA was causing a lot of trouble and
weird behavior with 5-way remotes. After connecting back to the
IKEA TRADFRI Gateway, I re-paired all lights again, I was able to set up
the lights again. Then I wanted to setup the light groups and now I’m stumped.

I’ve tried several ways of creating them like;


  - platform: group
    name: Dining Table Lights
      - light.dining_table_front
      - light.dining_table_middle
      - light.dining_table_back


- platform: group
  name: Dining Table Lights
    - light.dining_table_front
    - light.dining_table_middle
    - light.dining_table_back

No matter what, I only get : This entity (‘light.dining_table_lights’) does not
have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI.

I’ve search Hi-and-Lo in the forums but even when trying to recreate them in
the old installation, this fails. What has changed??

This simply means you can not setup in the UI, you need to setup in .yaml

I am, like I said using: configuration.yaml or light_group.yaml.

So how can I have/get them active in the UI?

light groups support unique_id’s , so add it to your yaml and then you can adjust it from the ui.

Only you will know which one to add that to. Inside your entire configuration, you can only have 1 light section. If your light section is pointing to light_group.yaml, then it goes there. If your light section is in configuration.yaml, it goes there.

Thanks, I know that. Yet, when I use: configuration.yaml with: light groups: !include light_groups.yaml

And inside light_groups.yaml

- platform: group
  name: Dining Table Lights
    - light.dining_table_front
    - light.dining_table_middle
    - light.dining_table_back

No other light settings.

I get the light group but without an unique id.


- platform: group
  name: Dining Table Lights
  unique_id: 9f07967c-a601-4658-87ac-500f3858a7c8
    - light.dining_table_front
    - light.dining_table_middle
    - light.dining_table_back

because you don’t have the unique_id set… does your configuration have the word unqiue_id in it?

EDIT: See @francisp’s example

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The it in this post was referring to adding unqiue_id to your configuration of the light group.

Just did so, still grayed out. Unavailable.

you have to restart

I restarted the group first, then a full restart. Unfortunately.

you’re looking at the wrong entity. That’s the original one, search for the new one.

I added XXX in front to distinguish.


I’ve no other entities with XXX

post your entire configuration for the light groups then.

# Setup light groups
- platform: group
  name: XXXDining Table Lights
  unique_id: 9f07967c-a601-4658-87ac-500f3858a7c8
    - light.dining_table_front
    - light.dining_table_middle
    - light.dining_table_back
- platform: group
  name: Living Room Lights
    - light.living_room_back_sphere
    - light.living_room_back_hemisphere
    - light.living_room_front_left
    - light.living_room_front_right  

- platform: group
  name: Living Room Front Lights
    - light.living_room_front_left
    - light.living_room_front_right    

- platform: group
  name: Living Room Back Lights
    - light.living_room_back_sphere
    - light.living_room_back_hemisphere

- platform: group
  name: Living test
    - light.living_room_back_sphere
    - light.living_room_back_hemisphere

because that entity_id looks like the first configured one, and the fact that it’s unavailable means you’re looking at the old entity, not the new one. But I can’t confirm that without looking at the entire configuration.

based on that configuration, i would expect your entity_id to be light.xxxdining_room_lights or light.9f07967…etc

I’ve generated a random uuid again.

# Setup light groups
- platform: group
  name: YYYDining Table Lights
  unique_id: 931484c6-4ebc-11ec-81d3-0242ac130003
    - light.dining_table_front
    - light.dining_table_middle
    - light.dining_table_back
- platform: group
  name: Living Room Lights
    - light.living_room_back_sphere
    - light.living_room_back_hemisphere
    - light.living_room_front_left
    - light.living_room_front_right  

- platform: group
  name: Living Room Front Lights
    - light.living_room_front_left
    - light.living_room_front_right    

- platform: group
  name: Living Room Back Lights
    - light.living_room_back_sphere
    - light.living_room_back_hemisphere

- platform: group
  name: Living test
    - light.living_room_back_sphere
    - light.living_room_back_hemisphere

Still unavailable:

It does change:image