No more badges in auto generated dashboards

After the new update all badges disappeared from main page. I´d like to know how to add badges. I´m using files .yaml to configure this dashboar. I´m not using Lovelace.



If you are using .yaml to configure the dashboard, it is not auto generated. My auto generated dashboard still contains badges.

An auto generated dashboard should not contain badges in 2021.2.

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You can simply define them in YAML.

  - path: home
    title: Home
    icon: 'mdi:home'
      - type: state-label
        entity: sun.sun
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Thanks spacegaier, but this example is to lovelace.

If you are not using lovelace, what do you think you are using?

Sorry, I thought of a personalized lovelace. I would like to configure in my configuration.yaml to use badges on my main panel. After this new update, badges cannot be generated automatically.

I believe that may be impossible in an auto generated Lovelace now. Perhaps it would be better if this could be configurable?

Yes, but where I have to write this config? I tried on configuration.yaml and sensor.yaml but doesn’t work.


  • path: home
    title: Home
    icon: ‘mdi:home’
    • type: state-label
      entity: sun.sun

Constructive criticism: I have been using hassio for a couple of years to control lighting (a dozen switches). The auto generated dashboard has been fine for me with no desire to create a custom look. Badges are gone again. I remember another update that took them away and I found a solution to get them to show up again without having to create a custom dashboard. Now they’re gone again. When making improvements, please consider the existing users and don’t take something away without a path for users to keep what they have. Please consider a switch or setting that allows users to get these badges back on auto generated dashboards. Thanks!


I fully agree with your words. I believe they should leave the badges as an option.

You can raise a feature request and either tackle it yourself by providing a PR (perhaps first discuss in frontend repo or Discord) or wait until someone comes along and creates a PR for it.

In the raw YAML frontend editor.

  • Go to your dashboard
  • Click the three dots menu (top-right) and click on Edit dashboard .
  • Click the three dots menu again and click on Raw configuration editor .