Something strange it is happening from the last 1-2 updates, I don’t know.
I have a camera and an automation which triggers everytime when motion occure, that sends a notification to my phone with a snapshot and text.
Till 1-2 updates, everything was perfect, now… If i’m not in the same network with home assistant, I won’t receive the snapshot, only the text. If i’m in the same network, it’s all good.
My certificate it is not expired, I use duckdns and NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy
alias: Notify+ - Door Camera Motion (PIR & Last State)
description: ""
- platform: mqtt
topic: frigate/events
payload: new
value_template: "{{ value_json.type }}"
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ trigger.payload_json[\"after\"][\"label\"] == \"person\" }}"
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ trigger.payload_json[\"after\"][\"top_score\"] > 0.60 }}"
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ trigger.payload_json[\"after\"][\"camera\"] == \"camera_door_frigate\" }}"
- service: notify.mobile_app_vog_l29
message: A person was detected.
title: Door Camera
clickAction: app://com.mcu.hilook
image: >-{{trigger.payload_json["after"]["id"]}}/snapshot.jpg
mode: parallel
max: 5
Could be the fault of the usability of local ip and not the external one? Still, till 1-2 weeks ago, was working perfectly like this… More than that, it is just an image which HA is taking from local and sending as notification, I don’t think this could be the problem… it is non a non routable ip address and thus not accessible outside your network. As it was working that means it was due to your reverse proxy.
Do you have this in your configuration.yaml file:
use_x_forwarded_for: true
- XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX # IP address of the reverese proxy server