No more reinstalling your HA from scratch? How-to

Piece of free advice :wink:

When you have you setup your HASS just the way you want it you will want to do the following.
Clone your SD card!

  1. Once everything is set up the way you want it, shut down the Pi and remove the SD card. Insert the SD card into your computer.

  2. Start Win32DiskImager.

  3. In “Image File”, enter the path of for your image file.
    Example, C:\Users\DamnImGood\images\perfecthass.img

  4. Under “Device”, select your SD card.

  5. Click the “Read” button to start cloning your card.

  6. When ready, eject your SD card. You can put it back in your Raspberry Pi.

  7. Keep that IMG file in a safe place or two. I have a copy on my NAS and one on a seperate mobile HDD nect to a copy of my configuration.yaml and known_devices.yaml.

When you want to write it back put the SD card in the computer select image file to WRITE and you have a perfect copy written back.

No more reinstalling from scratch.


I take that a step further and clone my last solid backup back to another SD card. Back live with a quick swap if anything were to go wrong.


I use Pi baker on my Mac to do exactly the same thing. Have a back up of the All-in-one and the currently live Hassbian saved to my NAS.

what if some one posted a fresh clean AIO install to share. :slight_smile:

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Well @Charles_Brown then you would still have to further configure anything extra that you have to make it the perfect setup.
And that is what I was referring to when I wrote [quote=“dennisaion, post:1, topic:7630”]
Once everything is set up the way you want it
