No option available to change theme

I’ve had no luck on changing theme. Please assist. As in picture I have no option to change themes.bd77188e2bb8ee308fa9eb14f5a4d9ecb34ee700_2_690x410

You need to install them via hacs

No you don’t. They can also be manually created.

However this is another issue where the option to select a theme does not appear in a person’s profile.

Ernie, did you recently delete a theme?

Did not delete a theme bit did delete a card installed via Hacs.
This is new install after pi3 stopped working.

Themes installed via hacs and .yaml configure

Do you have this in your configuration.yaml file:

  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

Correct, I did edit config.yaml

Does this service exist in Developer Tools / Services?


I have this same problem. Identical to above. Yes to all questions. Still can’t see any themes. Any help is appreciated!!