No Option for NFC Tag Read and Write

Currently, I am using home assistant version 2024.3.3. via docker platform. Everything else seems to be working well but the NFC.

When i try to Add NFC tag, it doesn’t show the, “Create and Write” option in my android companion app. (Android version 13 TP1A.220624.014). Without this, “Create and Write” option, i am unable to find any other way around to scan the NTC Tags. Please refer the screenshot. Is there any way out for this? Can somebody help?

hit create. Then in the next index screen you should see this

hit the fist icon.

Instead of going Settings, Tags, Create
Try going into Settings, Companion App, NFC Tags, Write Tag

Another option is to choose Create on the screenshot you posted and then click the first icon from the left on the tag you wish to write:

I too have the same issue. I’ve got two tags that have been working for ages, but I tried adding new tags yesterday and can’t. I can click create and it gives me chance to set name and id. i can write an automation to it too, but next time i go in the automation is blank. But… the biggest issue is there is NO option to scan or rescan no matter which way i go about things.

You also mentioned the companion app, every link i try takes me to the home assistant app i am on and that the screenshot is from. There is no companion app in the settings menu either. Just a tags menu which takes me to the screen shot.

Im on the latest Android OS on Glalxy S23. I upgraded HA on Wednesday, and then tried todays path 2024.4.1 and still the same.

huh … that sounds like the web view isn’t recognizing that it’s in the app vs the browser. I haven’t seen that before nor know what might cause… but is the app version up to date?

id next try clearing app cache see if that works then try nuking app storage. See if that works. Then I’d clear both and reinstall… but it does smell like a client side problem

It took some time getting there, but you’re right. HA was treating my phone as if it were a desktop and this effectively came down to a custom rom on my handset. Uninstall, clear data etc didn’t fit it. In the end, returning to a stock rom (which I planned on doing anyway), did the job. After a new HA install and login I was able to start tagging again. And oh boy have a started tagging! Way too many tags :smiley:
Thanks for your feedback, you set me on the right path. Cheers

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glad you figured it out. that was going to be my next guess… maybe you have a custom rom… try reverting to a stock rom… (ha! never would I have ever guessed that!) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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