No option to power off the system

I am running Home Assistant 2022.11.5 Frontend 20221108.0 - latest but I see no option ni frontend to shutdown the sytem or power off the system through ui. Am i missing something because earlier there was a link to click then it wsa a service call and now is it something else or just missing from UI.

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Settings ==> System ==> Hardware, then click 3 dots in upper right hand corner, and you will see shutdown option.

I think you are on a different version or may be telling old ways as in my case here is a screenshot and there is no such option of three dots or any other such menu to operate.

I do have option to restart the home assistant instance in check configuration and restart as shown below


In developers tools but earlier we used to go to services and call host shutdown or something similar which is not there any more post update. And way long before this was a simple restart and shutdown buttons in UI in the settings tab itself but that was way too old version.

What hardware are you using? Are you using some type of virtualization?

For reference, I am using a Raspberry Pi4 natively. I am using HA vers. 2023.1.4, but I’m fairly sure that feature hasn’t change since your version just a few months ago.