I´m trying to send a photo in the notification but it don´t appear in the android notification.
Note: The file exist and it is in the correct folder
service: notify.mobile_app_androidluis
message: >-
{{state_attr('image_processing.deepstack_face_testcam', 'faces').0.name }}
fue detectado con un nivel de precición de
'faces').0.confidence | round(1) }}
image: /media/local/deepstack/snapahots/deepstack_face_testcam_latest.jpg.jpg
that doesnt look like a valid file name
Yes, I was tired… Despite having change it isn´t sending the image
Any idea?
did you double check the path? snapahots != snapshots
Triple check… and still not working
service: notify.mobile_app_androidluis
message: >-
{{state_attr('image_processing.deepstack_face_testcam', 'faces').0.name }}
fue detectado con un nivel de precición de
'faces').0.confidence | round(1) }}
image: /media/local/deepstack/snapshots/deepstack_face_testcam_latest.jpg
are there any errors in the companion app logs? Settings > companion app > show and share logs
I don´t know why, but after restarting HA now is working