No photo in notify message (iOS app) from the ttgo t-camera

I want to use the ttgo t-cam as my doorbell, sending a photo of what’s in front of the door when the visitor pusses the button.

When the button on the ttgo camera is pressed this action is fired. The tts.google_say is working, the message is sendt via notify.notify - and it arrives on the device

    - service: sonos.snapshot
    - service: media_player.volume_set
        entity_id: media_player.kjokken
        volume_level: 0.6
    - service: tts.google_say
      entity_id: media_player.kjokken, media_player.terrasse, media_player.soverom, media_player.lekerom, media_player.bad  
        message: 'Det ringer på!'
        cache: false   
    - service: notify.notify
        title: Ringeapparat, hoveddør
        message: Hvem ringer på?
            content-type: jpeg
            category: camera
            entity_id: camera.ringeapparat_camera
    - service: sonos.restore

… but there is no photo arriving on my iPhone, only this weird message inside the pop-up window on the iPhone:

ttgo cam do capture images (see log below), but does not foreward the photo to the notify message.

[12:03:02][D][time:030]: Synchronized time: Mon Sep 16 12:03:02 2019
[12:03:03][D][esp32_camera:157]: Got Image: len=26070
[12:03:03][D][binary_sensor:033]: 'Ringeapparat PIR': Sending state ON
[12:03:03][D][binary_sensor:033]: 'Ringeapparat Button': Sending state ON
[12:03:04][D][api:573]: Client 'Home Assistant 0.98.5 (' connected successfully!
[12:03:04][D][time:030]: Synchronized time: Mon Sep 16 12:03:04 2019
[12:03:04][D][binary_sensor:033]: 'Ringeapparat Button': Sending state OFF
[12:03:07][D][binary_sensor:033]: 'Ringeapparat PIR': Sending state OFF
[12:03:11][D][sensor:092]: 'Ringeapparat WiFi Signal': Sending state -68.00000 dB with 0 decimals of accuracy
[12:03:13][D][esp32_camera:157]: Got Image: len=24904

What is going on here?
Any clue is highly appreciated :slight_smile:

Did you ever figure this out?

The solution was in the last line of code below, which was not indented correctly.
entity_id: should alline with push:, not indented.

    - service: notify.adults
        title: Hoveddør
        message: Hvem er utenfor døra?
            content-type: jpeg
            category: camera
          entity_id: camera.ringeapparat_camera
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