No progress bars are showing, but they are there!

At my wit’s end here, no progress bars are showing up, regardless of what kind of media player card I use (mushroom, mini, etc). Can’t find anyone that’s had this happen either. It doesn’t matter what browser I view it (or companion app), and I’ve even set up a fresh basic dashboard with only a single media player, and no luck. I have no themes installed or active. Here’s a sample yaml that gives me no visible progress bar, but it is still there, I can see the elements in the source, and I can actually click and drag it.

entity: media_player.apple_tv
type: custom:mini-media-player
  source: true
  volume: true
more_info: false
    mmp-progress$: |
      paper-progress {
        border: 1px solid red;

I put the border in there just to try to see why this was happening, and it confirms that it IS there. WHY CAN’T I SEE IT??

I have the same issue. Been driving me crazy!

I found the reason, sorry for not reporting back!

I uninstalled and reinstalled HACS a while ago, and it left some modules in an error state, re-downloading the mini media card fixed it for me.

You can check this by opening HACS, and see if it says mini media card is already installed or not, mine was showing as not installed, but enough of it still remained to use it, it just didn’t look right.