No state history found 2022

I have been using Homeassistant on a Raspberry Pi 4 successfully since March but I am now getting problems displaying histories. For any of my data if I try to go back to last month I get “No state history found.” and if I try to display data from this month it works for the last week but then for example on one dataset if I try to display from 1st to 15th I just get data from 12th onwards. Other data feeds only have data from 5th November at 04.15am.
I am relying on Home Assistant to log the performance of my Solar PV generation and my usage of the energy so I really do not want to have lost all this data. There don’t appear to be any meaningful entries in the log files and I have been keeping my system up to date with the latest releases.

I haven’t seen anyone recently having this problem. Can anyone shed any light on this issue?
Current versions:
Supervisor 2022.10.2
Operating System 9.3

The recorder only stores 10 days of states and events by default.

Long term statistics (like for the energy dashboard) are stored at lower resolution (5 minutes) forever.

Go to Developer Tools → Statistics and see if there are any “Fix Issue” buttons available.

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Everything says “No Issue”.
I hadn’t dabbled with the recorder before so now seems the time to get my hands dirty !

It was my misconception that the data had been being saved for longer than 10 days which had recently been changed, obviously couldn’t have been.

Is there a way of archiving old data rather than deleting it when the recorder gets to its 10 day or other preset limit?

I am having problems as usual when I try and dive into yaml so rather than enabling all sensors and switches forever I managed to stop all logging.
Are wildcards allowed in the includes and excludes of sensors?

Same here, also thought the logging would be long term (like unlimited). so you’re not the only one and I think this we’re not alone on this one.

Also discovered the same, ending up on this topic.

For some reason I was able to add the entities to the energy dashboard and could se the history which was missing at the entities history so the Ernergy dash is my lifesaver here :slight_smile: Needed this so so much so I’m glad with the energy monitor :+1: