No Status Change? Please help

New to HA, learning a lot and loving it… and have things working OK, but I have no status change on lights and switches, etc when toggled by Alexa or the physical switch? If I toggle switch via HA its all good, but if I toggle via Alexa or the physical switch the state of the switch or lite never changes in HA. Can you please help… let me know what I have set up incorrectly

It would help if you told what lights and switches.

Im sorry, I have all Tuya / Smartlife) wifi switches and powered outlets,.

That is a long standing issue with the Tuya api: Tuya is slow to report the status back to HA.

There are 2 solutions to this :

  • flash Tasmota on your switches and lights, either through tuya-convert or serial. Beware: not all tuya devices contain an esp, so it is not possible for all devices

  • use a local tuya implementation. Search the forum for ‘local tuya’