No systemd-journal-gatewayd Unix socket available in Devcontainer

I am working on developing an addon, so I used the template from the example addon repository.

In my case, my addon is not built from the workflow in my addon repositroy, but I reference a prebuilt image from one of my other repositories in the addon config.yaml.

Since there are some issues with connecting to an external MQTT broker from the addon in Home Assistant, I wanted to setup a development environment to develop and run it locally. However, following the instructions and with a fresh pull from the example addon repository, I get the following error when running the devontainer under Windows with VS Code as described in the developer docs:

No systemd-journal-gatewayd Unix socket available in Devcontainer

Yet, I can successfully access a local, HA WebUI and also install my addon. But due to the error above, I cannot see the addon logs or any other systemd reliant services/infos. Furthermore, I get seven repairs regarding “Unsupported system”

Any advice, how to proceed?

Thank you!