No thumbnail with mp4 video in iOS Notification Attachment

Hello All,

I have been trying for a few days now to create an iOS notification that displays a thumbnail image and once long pressed shows the mp4 video attachment.

I have tried multiple ways of using the ‘url’ attachment method, including the new methodology in the Companion app documentation using the “image” and “video” keys. I have tried creating the notification using “Automations” within Home Assistant and NodeRed.

I’ve also looked at previous threads and struggled to find a solution. To be honest I’m not sure if it is currently possible?

Any help would be very appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.

Hi, have you found a solution to this? I also want to be able to do the same. :grinning:

No unfortunately not. I’ve done a lot of research & testing, but not sure now if it’s the way iOS 16+ now works. Hoping for a solution when the companion app is next updated.

This is what I have come up with,
if I hold my finger on the message, the movie is played.
The .mp4 file is located under www folder.

service: notify.mobile_app_your_iphone
video: /local/Front_Door.mp4
name: doorbell-1.wav
volume: 0.4
message: Folk på døra !
enabled: true

Thanks for your code, but unfortunately I get the same result as previous (Video no thumbnail). Can I ask which version of iOS you are running on your iPhone please?

I have iOS 16.4.1


I’ve had some progress by using the camera.record service using the substream of my camera feed rather than the main feed. I can now get a video and thumbnail! Only issue I’m having now is that the thumbnail looks transparent / grayed out. Do you have the same issue?