No value for gas from DSMR in HA

I recently migrated from Domoticz to HA.

I have added the DSMR-service and I get the values from electricity. I don’t get any values from the GAS meter (i did get them in domoticz).

Debug information shows that there is a value available:

2022-07-28 17:09:40 DEBUG (MainThread) [dsmr_parser.clients.protocol] connected
2022-07-28 17:09:40 DEBUG (MainThread) [dsmr_parser.clients.protocol] received data: kW)

The entity “sensor.gas_consumption” is not disabled.
I cannot add it to my Energy display (no entity found) and adding te entity to a room gives “Unkown”.

I run Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi,

Home Assistant installation:

Home Assistant 2022.9.6
Supervisor 2022.09.1
Operating System 9.0
Frontend-versie: 20220907.2 - latest

It looks like a bug, because in the Dutch specs, it should like like the debug output above.

I hope I gave enough information and looking for a solution for this issue.

I have tried to find a similar case, but couldn’t find a comparing situation.

Thanks for a helping idea.

Have You ever solved this problem ?

Same problem here data is delivered by smart meter but entity sensor.Gas_meter_consumption is not showing data.

Not resolved yet?

No, no idea how to solve it…

Should anyone run into this issue; I had the same one, but had two different installations (migration). One read gas just fine other one didn’t, so it had to be HASS.

The docs mention you can set the DSMR version, but there’s no button/option to actually do so. I had to edit /config/.storage/core.config_entities and change the DSMR version from 5B to 5. After a restart it worked flawlessly.

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