Node js socket bind fails with port in use

Hi all!

I am trying to use a node js module in HA Node RED, and I am having troubles with the method used to bind to a socket using dgram implementation.

Here is the code:

try {
            await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                socket.on('error', reject);
                socket.on('listening', () => {
                    if (this.#ipAddress.endsWith('.255'))


This code bind socket to ‘’, but I get all the time:

Error: bind EADDRINUSE

The port is not used at all, I think.

Any help please?

Thank you

OK, It is my app which fails to close the socket from time to time and blow the flow.

I have to review the code a little bit and I will come back here if I have any questions.

It looks like the socket management via the module dgram is not too reliable.

I will be back