Node names

I think I’m going mad, or starting to forget something.

I remember that I could rename zwave nodes and give them ids through Configuration - ZWave - Rename node.

Now I see that it only changes the “Friendly name” of the node.

Is it a breaking change in one of the releases from 0.6x to 0.7x ? Do I have to go over all my configs and adjust it? Is there a way to rename zwave node ids now?

Thanks for your time.

Here’s my old config output for a switch:

entity name - switch.wenzhou_tkb_control_system_tz66d_dual_wall_switch_switch_3

new_entity_id: switch.room_2__light_switch
node_id: 4
value_index: 0
old_entity_id: switch.room_2__light_switch_4_0
value_instance: 1
friendly_name: ROOM 2 - Light Switch

And here’s new:

Entity name - switch.room_2__light_switch

node_id: 4
value_index: 0
value_instance: 1
value_id: 72057594109837312
friendly_name: ROOM 2 - Light Switch

I also switched from Hassbian on RPi to a on Ubuntu NAS. I’m using the same UZB stick as before.

This may be caused by your entity_registry if the device already exists. Renaming the node should change the name. Not sure how it behaves now with the entity registry though. Either way, i’d check there first. Rename the device there and everything else should follow.

So I’ll need to manually edit entity_registry.yaml, correct?

Bummer. I think I saw this bug mentioned in 0.63, should be fixed by now =\

Yeah, editing entity registry seems to work.