Node Red Add-on Invalid Server Config

I’ve been searching thru existing posts but could not find an answer to my issue.

I am running the NodeRed Add-On ( and the log is full of “Server config node not found” and “Invalid server config” errors. It appears I get an entry for every call service node on startup. The last two entries are Connecting to http://supervisor/core and Connected to http://supervisor/core.

I believe most of my automations are working so I’m a little confused by the errors. I have ensured that my server configuration node has “Using the Home Assistant Add-on” checked. I’m not sure what this actually does, as unchecking it uses http://supervisor/core as the base URL and isn’t that what the log says its actually using.


You might be trying to call service before startup has completed.

See here:

any update or fix to this?

I’ve just been battling with this exact senario the last two days. and ended up with the weirdest solution so thought i’d document it here just in case it helps someone else.

I had the server config errors also as per original poster. I had tried all suggested fixes such as enabling heartbeat, make sure “using home assistant add on” was enabled etc. none of it helped. eventually after two days i noticed it was in fact only effecting one flow (my water management flow) so i recreated a snippet of that flow inside a different flow and noticed that snippet didnt go into fault despite being configured the same. So i copied the entire water management flow and pasted it in a new flow called “test flow”. It was %100 identical to the flow in water management tab. I then restarted Node red and the water management flow continued to be in fault but the test flow worked perfectly. Deleted the water management flow, renamed the test flow and eveything works great now.

No idea why that happened, no idea why that fixed it but worth trying if the next person strikes the same.


If the above fixes from other posts or suggestions don’t work to fix the server config errors. Try copying the entire flow into a new empty flow. Deploy and re test.

PS: the difference with this original water management flow compared to others was i imported this flow, where as i usually make them from scratch myself. maybe thats relevant also :slight_smile: