Hey all - Ive just set up the node-red addon and I’m porting all my automations over… loving it!!
I installed node-red-contrib-alexa-local that emulates a hue device to allow simple local network commands from alexa to node-red. However I cant get Alexa to discover the node.
I have done some troubleshooting and I can telnet to the ports of the nodes successfully, so I know they are showing up and not getting blocked on my network… I’ve also tried rebooting my two echo DOTs… and my hassio instance/node-red…
Thank you for the reply @Chris86. I actually figured this out. My networking equipment had a code change that messed up communication between two of my subnets… once I fixed that, my subnets were able to communicate again, and Alexa was able to find my nodes!! Just bad timing for a network issue I guess.
Hey @someinternetguy, can you explain how you figured this out? I’ve hit a stone wall with this. Where did you look to see that your networking equipment had a code change?
@abdo94, AS I recall my Network gear had needed a firmware update and reboot of some of the equipment is all. I have my devices on different subnets and the routing between them was not working. Once I fixed the firmware versions and rebooted the equipment it started functioning like normal again. However your networking is set up… you have to make sure that your node red and your Alexa can communicate in BOTH directions with each other.