Node red, Big timer to control the lights


That’s an object.

What is this doing? Why?

You don’t specifically state CREATE OBJECT. You can simply say msg.timeElapsed = 0;

You’re seriously overcomplicating this entire thing.

debug shows you what is happening with your flow. It can’t “not display in a correct way”.

Well that’s why I struggling to learn.
I thought that I should declare the objects in that way.
Dose I don’t need to declare the objects?

You don’t need to declare them in that way. If you wanted to create msg2, you would do msg2 = {} and that is an object.

So what you have done is create objects in different ways and it isn’t necessary.

You already have a msg object. If you want to add an object or a property to msg you simply state msg.propertynameIwant = value or for an OBJECT, msg.someobjectIwantinsidemsg = {"name": "value"}

You’re complicating the entire thing and I’m not sure why.

People have already created the things you are looking to do.

Pick something that works best for what you want to accomplish and use it.

Yes maybe I complicating things but I don’t see how I should do it with this nodes.
I have tried the mytimeout node and it restarts it self each time it starts.
I want the elapsed time.
But maybe I do something wrong?

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How to override big timer for unknown period of time? I have an with 3 options (force on, auto, force off)

I have manage to add trigger state node as an input to big timer with rules to replace massage:
“Payload auto, if new_state.state is auto”, on for force on and off for force off

But what is the correct input payload to override big timer as long as the is out of “auto” state? I have tried off_manual and off_override with no success :confused: The description for big timer is unclear for me

I have abandon the Big Timer.
Because I couldn’t do the thing I wanted to do.
Sorry I don’t know how to control the Big Timer.


je recherche un moyen de pouvoir réglée le temps ON et OFF depuis le Dashbord

I am looking for a way to be able to set the ON and OFF time from the dashboard
