Node Red - BigTimer fires every minute

I have set up a big timer in node red for automation of my garden lights. I also did set up an email notification to receive an report, when lights will be switched on or off. Unfortunately the big timer fires every minute. I thought this will only happen, when I use the connection in the middle. But I used the one on the top, which should fire only, when the defined time / event (sunset) happens. What am I doing wrong?

Show the config section of bigtimer. There is a tickbox to fire every minute.

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Thanks for the fast reply. Where can I find it?

It’s the repeat output you have checked

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Ah. THX! I will try.

i have the same problem but i switch off “Repeat Output” already.
Every Minutes fire the BigTimer.
I don’t have any other Repeat bevor.

what else could be the problem?

Best regards