Hi, I’m just getting started with Node-RED, but I’m having trouble using BigTimer and getting the start/stop times to work as I’d expect. In my configuration.yaml I’ve got “time_zone: America/Los_Angeles” as I’m on the west coast of the USA, however, when I put times into BigTimer they don’t work. If I offset them by 8hrs forward (to what would be UTC), then things start triggering as I’d expect. The debug node always shows timestamps for my local timezone, so I’m not sure what I might be doing wrong.
Should I be able to set the BigTimer using local times?
Thanks for the suggestions, lat/long already set and Manual UTC set to zero.
And… magically tonight, I don’t think I’ve even restarted again since the last failed attempt, it’s now working with local times on the same BigTimer I had before. So assuming it stays that way, it’s all good.