In one of my Node Red flows, I have my outside lights set to turn on and off at a certain time by using the light scheduler node. The flow is connected to a call service node that is supposed to activate the outside lights scene. It worked fine a few days ago, but now under the call service node, I see an error that there is no connection to the server. If I inject the turn_on command, the lights turn on fine and the call service status turns green and displays the date and time of the command. But if I refresh the page or navigate away and back to the flow, the no connection error is back again. Is there a way to prevent this or to find out what may be causing the disconnect?
Did you find a solution to this? I’m having the exact same issue.
Would be interested in the solution as well. I’m having this issue on every one of my flows that starts with a Rhasspy websocket. At the end of the flow, the call service node says no connection and I have to delete the node to get it working again. All my other flows work great.
I’m running the add-on with HA btw.
Have you removed it and reinstalled the addon? Back up your flows, jic it should auto reinstall all your flows, uninstall the nodered companion if your using it from the integrations page, uninstall nodered addon, restart the host from the supervisor page not HA’s server, then reinstall.