Node Red Call Service Notify Broken?

Just recently my Notify to Android stopped working. It appears to send the message but never appears on my mobile.

I added the following and it appears to work now

  "data": {
        "ttl": 0,
        "priority": "high",
        "media_stream": "alarm_stream",
        "channel": "Important_Alerts"

Anyone else?

Do I need to change all my call services?

Add my setup Android on Samsung S23

Following does not work anymore

    "title": "Stuck",
    "message": "{{payload}} Fire_HD Battery Alarm",
    "data": {
        "ttl": 0,
        "priority": "high"


“message”: “{{payload}}”,
“title”: “Battery Level Notification”

Are your nodes still labeled call service? They were switched to action a while back. You may need to update your nodes.

Node’s been updated, no change.

Go to dev tools → action tab. Choose switch to yaml and paste the following

action: notify.mobile_app_pixel_7
  message: test
    priotiy: high
    ttl: 0

Change mobile_app_pixel_7 to your phone and perform action. If that fails then the problem is in HA. If it goes through post the complete config of your action node.

Did not work. The action gets the check mark assuming it gets performed but nothing on my phone.

Changed the action to

action: notify.mobile_app_s23
  message: test
    priotiy: high
    ttl: 0
    media_stream: alarm stream
    channel: Important_Alerts

It Works. issue with HA or Mobile App or Samsung phone?

Samsung is known to be over zealous with battery optimizations. There are additional “battery saver apps” that need to be disabled.

My battery setting for Home Assistant is unrestricted.

Can anyone else confirm this issue?