Node-Red Call Service problem

I’m using the Call Service node in a flow to notify HA that a new call is arriving via my Obi 202 telephone adaptor. When I use test data to populate msg.payload with:

“{ “data”: {“title”:“New Phone Call”,“message”:“12065231111 name Jack Be Quick” } }”

I see that contains two properties:
title: “New Phone Call”
message: “12065231111 name Jack Be Quick”

However, when I take the data from the Obi Device and, using the same function node to prepare the JSON string, which is formatted identically, and which passes JSONLint as valid JSON, ends up empty. I can’t find a difference in the data, except the value of the message property, which will change from call to call. I’m baffled.


I’ve mostly solved this problem by limiting the contents of the message property to numeric characters. Any time I attempt to use the alpha numeric portion, the data is not merged into the home assistant service call data object.