Node-Red cannot connect to

I have the node-red installation done via the add-on but it is not connecting to the HA instance and all I see is this error in Node-Red logs.

[error] [server:Home Assistant] Home assistant connection failed with error: Connection to home assistant could not be established with config: http://hassio.lan:8123

To give more details, my HA runs on http only and the API password has been set. HA IP is absolutely fine and I’m also able to ping it. Restarting Node-red does not do anything, the error comes back immediately after a restart

I have seen a lot of other threads with the same problem but none of their solutions worked for me.

But you aren’t using the IP in node red, you are using the hostname. Are you sure it is resolving properly?

True, I’m using the hostname but just wanted to bring it to attn that I have tried it via the IP as well and it still throws the error and yes the hostname resolved properly to the hass instance. Checked the APIs as well via hostname and they all seem to work as expected.

Since you’re using hassio, you can use http://hassio/homeassistant in Node-Red (no password needed).

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Awesome, this works. Thanks for the help.

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